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Admission to the 1st year of elementary school at
Carlsbad Montessori School.
School year 2024/2025

Regarding your child’s enrollment, contact us by email or phone to plan
a meeting at our school where we will tell you details about enrolling in the 1st year.
If you are interested, we will send you the application form for the 1st year of ZŠ Carlsbad Montessori School.
The completed and signed application for admission (application) must be delivered no later than 17/04/2024 to school management in one of the following ways:

  • By electronically signed e-mail,
  • the school data box: t3jzc2t,
  • by mail to the address of the school headquarters: Československé armády 507, Loket 357 33,
  • in person on the basis of a prior telephone appointment at +420 608 583 308.


Registration for basic education will take place in accordance with Act No. 561/2004 Coll., on preschool, basic, secondary, higher professional and other education (Education Act), as amended.

Enrollment in basic education is an administrative procedure (Section 165(2)(e) of the Education Act), i.e. an exercise of public power. Administrative proceedings are guided by the principle of legality (cf. § 2 of the Administrative Code, Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution of Czech Republic).

Only the child accepted for education is a participant in the administrative proceedings. The legal representative acts only in a role representative in the proceedings (see judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of March 31, 2016, no. 4 As 280/2015-36).

The appeal body is the regional office.

Letter of admissions